New Cover of the SUGAR issue #151.
During our recent trip in Interior Mongolia, Antony Lopez did this impressive Switch Fs Bluntslide (photo by Kévin Métallier).
Max Genin is in London for a few days... As usual, he's just spending his all time chilling, laying down in the middle of the street, watching the clouds and sight seeing... Enjoy your stay mate !
New article in Sugar Magazine #148 about our last skateboard trip in Philippines, feat. Michi Mackrodt, Bastien Duverdier, Joseph Biais and Alex Mizurov. It was epic...
Une journée à travers les rues de Londres à écumer les spots de la capitale anglaise en compagnie d'un certain Lucien Clarke. Ce nouveau sujet est actuellement disponible en kiosque dans le Sugar #149...